Applying Commodity Codes & Classification of Goods

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What will I learn? This course about applying Commodity Codes & Classification of Goods is suitable for those working in an Export or Import environment that need further detailed information on how to accurately classify goods and use the UK Trade Tariff to ascertain important customs information. Specifically we cover: Why we need Commodity Codes […]

Get Tickets £195.00 12 tickets left

Understanding Incoterms 2020

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What will I learn? The course, Understanding Incoterms 2020, provides a detailed look at each Incoterm with a comprehensive guide on the obligations and costs that a Buyer and Seller have during a sale to include where risk passes during the transaction from Seller to Buyer. Specifically, we cover: Incoterms - what are they? An […]

Get Tickets £195.00 12 tickets left

How to Apply Trade Agreements & Rules of Origin

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What will I learn? This course on how to apply Trade Agreements and Rules of Origin is suitable for those working in an Export or Import environment that need further detailed information on origin calculations and how this effects sales and purchases. It includes an overview of the different types of origin documentation. Specifically, we […]

Get Tickets £195.00 12 tickets left

An Introduction to Export Controls & Licensing

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What will I learn? In this introduction to Export Controls & Licensing you will be guided through how to establish the need for licences, types of licences available, application procedures and compliance in the use of licences. Specifically, we cover: Introduction to export controls Reasons for needing a licence UK Legislation UK Strategic Controls List- […]

Get Tickets £195.00 12 tickets left

Receiving Payment & Using Letters of Credit

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What will I learn? The course Receiving Payment & Using Letters of Credit provides an overview of all methods of payment when trading internationally including the risks and benefits involved. It then concentrates on Letters of Credit helping you examine and learn the rules of managing Letters of Credit, making sure documents are compliant and […]

Get Tickets £320.00 12 tickets left