Training in International trade could help your company be over 20% more productive

We are passionate about training in International Trade because we know what a difference successful importing and exporting can make to your business.

The research

Robust and groundbreaking research by the Office for National Statistics showed that businesses involved in International Trade are a lot more successful than those which aren’t.

The headline figures from the research shocked even us. It showed that the, “dataset – linking business-level financial data with administrative trade data – suggests that UK businesses which declare international trade in goods were around 70% more productive on average than non-traders”.

That is a quite staggering difference in productivity. When you dig down into the research you find that, when controlled for industry, size and ownership, businesses that report involvement in import or export are an impressive 20-21% more productive than those that don’t. Given our experience, that seems pretty realistic, and it is part of the reason that we’re so passionate about International Trade. Training in International trade could help your company be over 20% more productive. This is something that all business owners and directors really should be looking at and thinking about for the development of their organisations. And it’s why it’s so important that we as a country promote the right conditions to encourage trade.

Our experience

Exporter Services has been helping business import and export successfully since 2010 and we believe that our clients tend to become, or already are, consistently high performing businesses and experience strong growth as a result of their trading activity.

Our founder and Managing Director, Sue Wright, began Exporter Services by offering training in International Trade.

Sue explains why she believes that learning about International Trade can help companies to grow and develop, “I think many people have an idea about where they could sell their products or where they might be able to source cheaper parts or ingredients that they need to make their products but often they think that the process is going to be too time-consuming or tricky for them and cost them more money than they will benefit from the process. So they may decide to stick with what they know and miss out on savings or process improvements that they might have developed by starting to import or export. Finding out about how to go about trading can make any issues seem smaller and can often be reassuring and that’s where we come in. Participants on our courses will obviously have questions that we can answer and often this opens up new possibilities for companies.

“Training also enables companies to start trading in the right way which means that they won’t suddenly realise that they need to spend time sorting out processes and documentation for HMRC after they have begun to trade which can cause issues. By taking some training in International Trade they can decide which parts of the import or export process they can sensibly manage for themselves and which they might like to outsource to a specialist in international trade, which is often a very cost-effective way to start trading internationally.”

training in international trade at exporter services

Exporter Services itself grew organically, and quickly, as a result of Sue’s experience when delivering training. It was a bold move for a new company, but Sue was confident in her reasoning as she explains:

“I could see that there was a gap in the market for a company to provide SMEs with bespoke export services and so we expanded to offer a helpdesk service. This really took off and we started to provide a full range of export and import services focusing on the needs of SMEs and manufacturers particularly. In turn this experience of managing International Trade has enabled us to ensure our training reflects the everyday needs and experiences of businesses when importing and exporting. This summer we’ve come full circle once again to re-design our training courses in light of our recent experience and all the major developments which have happened in import and export since 2020.

“I’m excited about our new range of courses and being able to provide the key training targeting the day-to-day skills that companies need in order to be able to import and export successfully.”

If you think your company should be looking at international trade and aiming to increase its productivity by at least 20% take a look at our training courses, available to take online or at our offices, on our website or get in touch with our team for more information on 0115 727 0018.

Experts in International Trade

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